I would like to thank the network and all the wires that had to disappear to make this wireless dream a reality. Wait...? Something is missing, besides the wires. Oh right, actual awards.
Insert flashback sequence.
A co-worker approached me regarding how to promote a product we had just brought to market. The more I looked into it, the more frustration I experienced. Nothing existed to highlight the innovation our industry has to offer. For wireless folks, recognition only comes when the boss can’t connect his/her smartphone to the network, or the network isn’t working for whatever the reason. Positive recognition is not something that comes very frequently. We all like praise and recognition. We want to feel like what we do matters. So, l decided to do something.
I wanted to put together a program that showcases and recognizes the best people, products, and companies our industry has to offer. And the Wi-Fi Awards came to life. I reached out to some more well known, experienced industry players to help make my dream a reality. Well, not a dream, but an idea. And here we are.
I am passionate about this industry and learning everything I can. I am excited to help ensure the success of the program along with the Selection Committee. As a Vendor, I am not part of the Selection Committee to help ensure unbiased finalists for the Community to vote on.
Thanks for taking the time to read about how we got started!
-Tauni Odia